Academy Course: SmartStart for a Hirer
Become familiar with the offer creation process in SmartStart. Learn everything you need to know when creating offers for crew members on your production. The training includes what you need to know about uploading documents or a manual offer, monitoring the status of a submitted offer, editing and resending an offer, and helpful tips on what to do before and while you create an offer.
This course is for anyone responsible for creating, editing, and sending offers for newly hired crew members or anyone who needs a refresher on the process.
Covered topics include:
- Explore different areas and views within the product
- Uncover reporting tools
- Understand in-system and email notifications
Course Duration: 49 Minutes
Work at your own pace. Reference materials available for download.
This course only provides information on the hiring process within SmartStart. If you are a project gatekeeper or need to know all of SmartStart's abilities, we recommend registering for the SmartStart Full Course.
You do not need access to SmartStart to take this course. SmartStart is not included as part of course materials.