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New York Requires Pay Transparency in Job Postings and Advertisements

Employers with four or more employees are required to include the salary or hourly pay rate, or a minimum to maximum range, in each advertised position, promotion, or job transfer opportunity to be performed within the City’s boundaries.
February 10, 2023
New York Requires Pay Transparency in Job Postings and Advertisements

New York Requires Pay Transparency in Job Postings and Advertisements

On November 1, 2022, New York City’s Pay Transparency Law went into effect, which required employers with four or more employees to include the salary or hourly pay rate, or a minimum to maximum range, in each advertised position, promotion, or job transfer opportunity to be performed within the City’s boundaries. If a minimum to maximum range is used, the employer must believe in good faith that it is accurate. The range cannot be open-ended.

Not to be outdone, the State of New York followed in the City’s footsteps when, on December 21, 2022, the Governor signed into law the State’s version of a pay transparency law to take effect on September 17, 2023. While both laws require that the employer include the pay rate or pay range in the job posting, the State’s version also requires that the job posting include a job description, if such a description exists. The State’s version also applies to employers with four or more employees with at least one employee who can or will perform the work, in whole or in part, from within the State of New York. Additional information is available here in a previously published EP Legal Alert about these two laws.

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