New California Whistleblower Poster Requirement Takes Effect January 1, 2025
Whistleblower protections have existed in California for years, requiring employers to prominently display a list of employees’ rights and responsibilities provided under the whistleblower laws. However, until recently, it was unclear what information the prominently displayed posting was required to include. Effective January 1, 2025, California’s AB 2299 clarifies that it is the responsibility of the Labor Commissioner to develop a model list of employees’ rights and responsibilities under existing whistleblower laws that employers can then display in the workplace. Employers who display the new model notice or a compliant notice created by the employer (lettering must be at least 14-point typeface and the State’s whistleblower hotline number (800-952-5225) must be included) will be considered compliant with the State’s posting requirements. The updated "Whistleblowers Are Protected" notice is now available for download here.