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Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) Support

MFA Instructions for Moneypenny

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Moneypenny MFA FAQs

Why do I have to use MFA?

As part of Entertainment Partners’ ongoing commitment to ensuring the highest levels of security for our clients and the industry, EP is implementing Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) across our solutions. MFA, which requires that you enter a one-time passcode when you sign in, enhances security and reduces the risk of unauthorized access by requiring an additional layer of verification to access accounts.

How do I set up MFA for Moneypenny?

EP will send you an invitation email via Duo Security. Find your step-by-step guide here.

I don’t have my invitation email from EP sent via Duo Security. Can I get a new one?

Contact your EP Support team. They can resend your invitation email.

Where can I get a mobile authentication app with the passcode I need? It's not on my mobile device.

Download Duo Security’s Duo Mobile app from the App Store or Google Play Store to your mobile phone.

How often do I need to enter MFA?

Although you only need to set up MFA once, you will be prompted to enter MFA with each sign-in or after each period of inactivity.

Do I have to use Duo Mobile for Moneypenny? Can I use the same authentication app I use for my other EP products?

Duo Mobile is required to access Moneypenny. While EP cannot provide direct support for third-party mobile apps like Duo Mobile, please get in touch with your EP Support team for MFA or Moneypenny help.

I got a new device. How do I set it up for MFA?

As a first step, unpair your authenticator app on your previous mobile device before continuing. Then, contact your EP Support team to receive a new Duo Security invitation email so you can set up MFA.

Should I use my personal device or my production-issued device to get my MFA passcode?

While you can use either, check with your organization about their preferences and requirements.

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