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Global Vista Support

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Global Vista

Do I need to install Citrix in order to log in to Global Vista?

Yes, you must install Citrix which is available at the ve.ep.com webpage. Click on either Win Download (for Windows users) or Mac Download (for Mac users) to start downloading Global Vista. For detailed instructions for MAC users click here. For detailed instructions for PC users click here.

How can I unlock my account after it has been locked due to failed login attempts?

For security reasons, your account will lock after multiple failed login attempts. It will unlock on its own after 30 minutes. If you need to access it sooner, contact product support for assistance.

Why am I not able to receive my payroll invoices in Global Vista?

In order to be able to receive payroll invoices and view payroll packages, your payroll interface and VPO interface must be setup. For Information on setting up your payroll interface click here. For Information on setting up your VPO interface click here.

Am I able to reprint Accounts Payable checks?

As long as the check register has not been posted, you can reprint Accounts Payable checks. If the check register has been posted, you will have to cancel and reissue the check.

Am I able to reprint payroll checks?

You are only able to reprint payroll checks with a passcode provided by Entertainment Partners. Send an email to AccountingSupport@ep.com and include:

  1. Client ID #
  2. Show Name
  3. License number
  4. A brief description of reason you need the reprint.

Support will call you to go over the steps to reprint and the passcode. For more information on reprinting payroll checks click here.

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