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Select from the menu below to view FAQs for that topic.

Address, Email, Name/SSN, W-4 Changes etc.

How do I update my address(es)?

To update your address please log in to our employee portal at my.ep.com. You will only be able to update your information after you have successfully connected your Payroll Profile.

  1. After connecting your payroll profile. Go to the navigation bar (left hand on desktop, bottom on mobile) and select “My Account”. You will be routed to the "My Profile" page. From here you will be presented with any applicable addresses based on your role and how you have been paid.
  2. To the right of the address, you would like to update, select the ‘Edit’ option. A screen will open with your current address on file.
  3. You may update your address by selecting the individual fields and making any necessary changes.
  4. To submit your changes, select the ‘Save’ button to close out the module.
  5. Once you are finished, you should see your changes reflected in the ‘My Profile’ page.

You may also watch this video for more information, MyEP - Change Your Address.

Can I enter in another address in myEP? I have two.

You can only update addresses that are displayed to you in your profile account. You can update your address or residency there! There is no option in the application or at EP to add additional addresses.

How do I know when my address has been updated in myEP?

Once you select ‘Save’ on an address in myEP, you will see a success message flash at the top of the screen. At that time, your address will be immediately sent to payroll. Any checks sent for the next week will be mailed to the new address.

How can a Talent Agency Change their Address?

Talent Agencies have an internal record with EP. Talent agents (only) will need to email AgencyAddressUpdate@ep.com to update their agency’s internal address for their clients.

How do I add a business manager, bookkeeper, or other personal representative to my mailing address on file?

If a business manager, bookkeeper, or other person is your approved representative and you would like to have them to added to your mailing address on file to receive mail for you, you must submit a completed Crew & Talent Address Change Form to paymentsupport@ep.com.

If you are not able to sign the Crew & Talent Address Change Form due to extenuating circumstances, your approved representative may submit a copy of their appointment as your representative, such as an "Authorization to Release Information" letter or "Power of Attorney (POA)". The documentation of appointment must already be signed by you. They may submit the documentation to paymentsupport@ep.com.

How do I change or correct my Name or Social Security number?

To update your legal Name or Social Security Number in our system, complete our Crew & Talent Inquiries & Corrections Form. Email the completed form and a copy of your SSN card to paymentsupport@ep.com.

Note: To change your name legally, please contact the U.S. Social Security Administration. Changing your name with EP does not change it legally with the U.S. goverment, even if you provide a marriage certificate.

How do I change/update my W-4 form and/or state withholding form?

To update your W-4 form or your State Withholding form, please click here to find the form you need. Please complete it and email it to paymentsupport@ep.com

Why do I need to resubmit a W-4 for my Exempt status every year?

According to IRS Publication 505, the Form W-4 (Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate) claiming exemption from withholding is valid for only one calendar year.

To continue your exempt status, a new Federal (and/or State) withholding certificate/form is needed no later than February 15th of every year. If new withholding form(s) are not received by this deadline, your exempt status will revert to “single” with no withholding allowances or dependents.

To update your W-4 form and/or your State Withholding form, please click here to find the form you need. Please complete it and email it to paymentsupport@ep.com.

Please note: EP will still accept an updated W-4 for exempt status after the deadline. However, there may be checks issued with regular withholding up and to the date that the exempt status is entered into our system. We will NOT be able to adjust any tax withholding retroactively. Exempt status will only be effective moving forward.

My loan-out corporation has been dissolved. How do I change my residual payments to be paid as an individual?

To update this information, complete and submit our Talent - Residual Set up Change Request. Include a copy of the legal State Corporation of Dissolution documentation with the state seal you received at the time your corporation was officially dissolved.

How do I update or change my email address for MyEP?

Your email address is your username to log into MyEP. If you want to change the email address you use to log into MyEP, you need to disconnect your Payroll Profile from your existing email account. You will then create a new MyEP account by registering with your new email. Lastly you will need to connect your payroll profile to the new email.

Here are the steps:

  1. Log into MyEP with your current email/username. Go to the navigation bar and select “My Account”. Go to My Profile>Settings.
  2. Select “Disconnect your EP Payroll Profile.

After disconnecting your payroll profile from the undesired email account, you will need to register and/or login with your new email address on my.ep.com. Once you login with your new email address you will need to connect your payroll profile to be able to access your Payroll information.

How does a beneficiary who has never been paid by EP change their address on file?

The beneficiary must send a completed Crew & Talent Address Change Form to paymentsupport@ep.com.

EP Earnings Requests (Reports/Check Stubs)

How can I obtain an earnings history report and/or copies of paystubs?

Employees can view up to three years of Pay History information by logging into our employee portal at my.ep.com. Employees need to connect their EP payroll profile first to enable access to their pay information.

Earnings Reports
After connecting your profile:

  1. Go to the navigation bar (left hand on desktop; bottom on mobile) and select MyPay and Pay History.
  2. You can select the pay information you would like to be included in the export and then select the button on the top right labeled Export.

Paystub Copies
For PDFs of paystubs issued from November 2021 to todat.

  1. Click on the checkbox next to the pay stub you wish to download. An option called Actions should be visible on the screen.
  2. Click on it and select “Download.”

You may request Earnings reports and paystub information older than three years by using our Crew & Talent Inquiries & Corrections Form.

I am currently putting together my book to join the Directors Guild of America (DGA). How do I get copies of all my check stubs?

Log in to your myEP account to view up to three years of pay history information.

If you haven't done so already, you will need to connect your EP payroll profile to your myEP account to enable pay information access.

To download a paystub, click the checkbox next to the paystub you wish to download. Actions options will appear on screen. Click to select "Download".

For paystub information older than three years, submit a completed Crew & Talent Inquiries & Corrections Form.

Crew & Talent Paycheck Support

I worked last week on a production, what is the status of my paycheck?

In general, checks are processed the following week after the work is done, either on Wednesday or Thursday after EP receives all the necessary paperwork and approvals from the production accountant on the show. If you want to verify if a check has already been processed, you may login to our employee portal at my.ep.com.

  1. Go to My Pay and click Pay History.
  2. Click the View link or click on the Actions link and choose View Pay Information. The pay information dialog box displays.

If a check is not reflected in the portal, please contact your production company first to confirm if the necessary paperwork has been submitted. The production company will contact EP to address the issue.

How soon after my check is cut, can I expect to receive it?

Crew & Talent
While most checks are received within 7-10 business days after being mailed by the production company, there are times when it may take longer, particularly during holiday periods. If you want to verify if a check has already been processed, you may login to our employee portal at my.ep.com.

  1. Go to My Pay and click Pay History.
  2. Click the View link or click on the Actions link and choose View Pay Information. The pay information dialog box displays.

Direct Deposit
If you have already set up direct deposit and the production you are working under is currently active for direct deposit, funds should be credited/received no later than 48hrs from the check issue date. If you want to verify if a check was processed as direct deposit, you may login to our employee portal at my.ep.com.

  1. Go to My Pay and click Pay History.
  2. Click the View link or click on the Actions link and choose View Pay Information. The pay information dialog box displays.

I am missing a check. How do I request a stop pay/reissue on a paycheck I never received?

Verify that a check has already been processed by logging in to your account at my.ep.com.

  1. Go to My Pay and click Pay History.
  2. Click the View link or click on the Actions link and choose View Pay Information. The pay information dialog box displays.

Crew & Talent
If the check was issued more than 15-30 business days prior to the current day, contact your production company to confirm a check has been released and that they have your corrrect address on file. The production company will contact EP to start the void and reissue process with their paymaster.

If the check was issued more than 90 business days prior to the current day, contact your union to confirm a payment has been logged in their system and released. All checks are mailed by the union to the address they have on file, regardless of the address printed on the checks by EP. Please ensure your most recent address is on file with your union. For SAG-AFTRA members, check their Residuals Tracker Portal at https://www.sagaftra.org/residuals-portal.

If your union states the check was released by mail and you have not received it within ten business days from the time they mailed it, then request your union to submit a Stop Pay Reissue from EP’s residuals department.

Does Entertainment Partners mail out production checks for all shows?

No, in most instances the checks go to the production company for accounting purposes as well as to track the handling of the checks. In other instances, clients may be set up to offer Direct Deposit.

If you want to verify if a check has already been processed, you may login to our employee portal at my.ep.com.

  1. Go to My Pay and click Pay History.
  2. Click the View link or click on the Actions link and choose View Pay Information. The pay information dialog box displays.

What do I do if a bank will not accept a check?

Stale Dated
At EP, checks go stale once it is 300 days past its cut date, and still show as outstanding. Once they are 300 days past their cut date, they can no longer be cashed or reissued via our payroll system. If the employee attempts to cash them, the bank will reject the deposit and charge the employee a fee.

Other Reasons
Employees should contact the EP Treasury Department by phone at (818) 955-4300 or by email at treasury@ep.com.

The YTD total on my last check stub does not match what I have received, why?

In most cases this may be due to a missing payment. You may review your payment history and paystubs by loging into our employee portal at my.ep.com. If you’re not already signed up, you will need to create an account.

You may request Earnings reports and paystub information older than three years by using our Crew & Talent Inquiries and Corrections form.

Someone has fraudulently cashed my check. How can I receive a replacement check?

If you feel someone has fraudulently cashed your check, you can file a Forgery Claim. You will be sent an Affidavit of Forgery that must be filled out, signed, notarized, and returned to EP. We will then forward the affidavits to EP’s bank, which will investigate and render a determination on the validity of the claim. If the claim is deemed valid, the bank will issue a credit to EP, and then EP will issue you a replacement check. The entire validation/replacement process takes between 90 to 120 days.

To start the process, please complete our Crew & Talent Inquiries and Corrections form.

How do I place a stop payment on a paycheck I never received?

Crew & Talent
If the check was been issued more than 15-30 business days from the current day, contact your production company to confirm the check was released. If necessary, the production company will contact EP to start the void and reissue process with the assigned Paymaster.

Contact your union to see if a payment has been logged and released to you, and confirm that they have your most recent address on file. If your union confirms the check was mailed to you and you have not received it within ten business days from the time they mailed it, then submit a completed Crew & Talent Stop Pay/Reissue form to paymentsupport@ep.com.

The show I worked on years ago re-aired recently, when should I receive a payment?

First, check with your union to see if a payment has been logged and released to you, and ensure they have your most recent address on file. If the union confirms that the check was mailed to you and you don’t receive it within ten business days from the date of mailing, submit a completed Crew & Talent Stop Pay Reissue form.

There is an error (rate, hours, diem, box rental etc.) on my production check, how can I get that corrected?

To dispute an error made on your production check, contact the production accountant at the show. They will review the documentation submitted to EP and request any necessary correction via the assigned show paymaster.

I am currently enrolled in direct deposit, but I am still receiving hard copy check copies in the mail. Can I opt into receiving check copies digitally only and not have them mailed to my home address?

Generally, all checks and paystubs go to the production company for accounting and tracking purposes. Contact your production company to see if the option to only receive check copies digitally is available.

I received a check issued to my loan-out corporation, but it also includes my name. How are my earnings reported for tax purposes, to me or to my corporation?

The name of the employee is included on the checks to identify the employee(s) who performed the work for Pension, Health & Welfare contributions purposes. Corporations will receive a 1099 NEC to report non-employee compensation at the end of the year.

Where can I find information about residual payments issued to me during the year?

The best way to ensure you receive accurate information is to check your union or guild’s payment portal. Your union or guild must verify payments, amounts, and all personal data is correct for each individual talent.

What address is my residuals check being mailed to?

The union is the distributor of checks. Since our records do not cross-reference with theirs, the address in our system may not reflect the same. Please contact the union to confirm.

Why are taxes on residual checks so high?

Residuals are taxed as supplemental income. The IRS considers these earnings as additional payments made outside of regular work wages and taxed at a higher rate.

My loved one is deceased, why is EP still issuing residual checks under their name?

Generally, this means that EP has not received the necessary documents from the union alerting that the check recipient is deceased and/or there is no beneficiary record set up in our system. Contact the union to find out the necessary requirements to handle payments for deceased individuals. You may then complete and submit a Talent - Residual Set up Change Request form to start the process with EP. Once EP receives approval from the union, a beneficiary record can be set up in our system.

I have never received a residual. How often do I get them?

The number of times you receive a residual is indicated in the contract you signed with the production. Please refer to your contract for details.

Employment Verification/Unemployment

I need a Verification of Employment letter. How do I get one?

You will need to complete and submit the Employment Verification Request form and email it to uigroup@ep.com.

How can I request an employment verification? Do you require a Verification of Employment form (VOE)?

Verbal verification
We can verbally verify employment, but we cannot provide wages over the phone. Please call (818) 955-4449 to speak to someone in the Wage Verification team.

Home/Car loan or mortgage
A completed Employment Verification Request Form must be submitted to uigroup@ep.com or by fax at (818) 848-0254 for processing.

How do I file for unemployment?

Employees must contact their nearest unemployment office to initiate a claim. Employees can file by phone or online. You will need your last check stub available when initiating a claim.

I need to file for unemployment, can I please have my unemployment state information?

Your unemployment state information can be found on the bottom portion of your last check stub. You may review your payment history and paystubs by login into our employee portal at my.ep.com. If you’re not already signed up, you will need to create an account. You can also contact our Employment Verification team at (818) 955-4449.

How can I obtain my wage history for unemployment purposes?

You may review your payment history by logging into our employee portal at my.ep.com. If you’re not already signed up, you will need to create an account. You can also request your wages for unemployment purposes by submiting a completed Employment Verification Request form to uigroup@ep.com.

Garnishments & Deductions

Why is EP garnishing my wages?

Tax levies, wage garnishments, and child support deductions are initiated when EP is served by an official party (the IRS, State Department of Taxation, District Attorney, etc.).

Why wasn’t I notified of my wage garnishment?

EP mails a copy of the garnishment to the address on file at least 10 days prior to garnishing wages. You can also call our garnishment team directly at (818)955-4441 or email them at garnishments@ep.com.

I have satisfied my legal obligation. Why are my wages still being garnished?

If you believe you have satisfied your obligation, please contact the agency in question and request that a release be forwarded to garnishments@ep.com.

Minor's Trust

My minor child performed services, when can I expect to see the 15% trust deduction deposited into the minors account?

Funds are sent for deposit the following week after the payroll check date.

Where can I set up a Coogan Account for my child?

Parents may visit www.childreninfilm.com for a list of banks that offer Coogan Accounts. Examples include: Wells Fargo Bank, Union Bank, and First Entertainment Credit Union.

Where should I send my child’s Minor’s Trust bank information?

Please send all Minor's Trust documentation to minorstrust@ep.com.

My minor child received a check from EP with a deduction for “Trust.” Why?

States such as California, Louisiana, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina and Pennsylvania have mandatory Minor’s Trust laws requiring that all unemancipated minors have 15 percent of their gross earnings deducted and placed in approved trust accounts.

How can I get a Minor Work Permit?

Productions employing minors are responsible for obtaining the required work permits to employ a minor. Please reach out to the employment state's Division of Labor Standards Enforcement for more information on how to obtain a work permit.

Appeals Process

My request to correct my work state was denied, what can I do?

EP presents all corrections to the production for which you worked for approval. If the production determines that the work state was correct at the time of your employment, you may contact them directly to discuss the matter further. If the production is to agree with your request, the production is the one to contact us to initiate the correction to adjust the work state.

What can I do if my request for a social security correction is denied?

EP verifies all social security numbers with the Social Security administration. If the social security number does not match the Social Security Administrations records, EP will reject the request. We ask that you contact the Social Security Administration to rectify the issue. The Social Security Administration will provide documentation of the valid social security number on file. Once this document is presented to EP, we will update the social in our system.

What can I do if my request to correct my resident state is denied?

For EP to correct previously reported wages to government agencies for resident state purposes, we require that you present proof of the correct resident state you’re resided in at the time of employment. EP will accept utility bills, renter’s agreements and mortgage statements that show the location address within the correct state’s jurisdiction. Once the documentation is received, we will present the corrections request to the production for which you worked for approval. If the production determines that the resident state was correct at the time of your employment, you may contact them directly to discuss the matter further. If the production is to agree with your request, the production is the one to contact us to initiate the correction to adjust the resident state.

What can I do if my request to update my records with my new legal name was denied?

EP verifies all names with the Social Security administration. If the name does not match the Social Security Administrations records, EP will reject the request. We ask that you contact the Social Security Administration to rectify the issue. The Social Security Administration will provide documentation of the name on file. Once this document is presented to EP, we will update the name our system.

What should I do if my request to update information on employment file was rejected?

EP will reject certain request due to missing and or incomplete information. Your initial request will be returned along with instructions on what is needed to process your request. Once EP receives the request and all information is provided, EP will update your information.

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USA Flag
United States
Payment Support

Changes to (Address, Name, SSN, W-4).

Earnings Requests (Reports/Check Stubs)

Tax Form Reprints (W-2/1099s/592b/G2FP)

Tax Form Explanation/Corrections & more.



Payment Support US
Employment Verification Inquiries

(e.g. General VOE, Unemployment, Disability)



Payment Support US
Direct Deposit

Including ACH bank deposit issues


Direct Deposit Support
Pensions, Health & Welfare Inquiries

(e.g. Missing Hours, Union Dues, Union 401k)


Payroll Garnishment and Deduction Inquiries

(e.g. Federal Tax Liens, State Tax Liens and Child/

Spousal Support)



Payment Support US
My EP Portal Technical Support

(Assistance with login/registration, connecting payroll profile, tax statement and paystub downloads, viewing pay information, direct deposit setup.)


My EP Support
Unclaimed Property Inquiries

Uncashed payroll checks 300+ days old, EP Unclaimed Property Notices, CA State Controller's Letters


Payment Support US
Minors Trust Deductions and Inquiries

(e.g. Set-ups, Coogan Accounts Deposits)


Payment Support US
Benefit Solutions

Sick Leave, 1095-C Tax Forms, NY Paid Family Leave


Sick Leave: sickleave@ep.com

1095-C Tax Forms: 1095inquiry@ep.com

NY Paid Family Leave: NYPFL@ep.com

Benefit Solutions Support
EP Cares

EP Cares Health Insurance - Non-Union Employees


EP Cares Support
Canada Flag
Canada – PWE Queries

Business Hours
Mon-Fri 5:30am to 5:00pm PT
604.998.3208 (Vancouver)
416.927.2218 (Toronto)
866-330-0023 (Toll Free)

Payment Support Canada
Canada – EP Residency and Technical Support

Business Hours
Mon-Fri 5:30am to 5:00pm PT
604.998.3208 (Vancouver)
416.927.2218 (Toronto)
866-330-0023 (Toll Free)

EP Residency Support

Payroll & Finances

PayrollResidualsSmartStartSmartTimeEP On LocationSmartAccountingEP LiveSmartPOCASHétPayPaymaster Rate GuideEP ResidencyMoneypenny

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