A simple free portal for crew to view pay information, set up direct deposit, and more.
Self-service direct deposit setup
Crew can set up direct deposit once and have it transfer with them to all future EP-paid shows that choose to offer it. Production accountants no longer have to spend hours manually collecting bank account information and managing deposit setup.
Watch this video: Direct Deposit Setup
View pay history from anywhere
Crew and talent can quickly access paystubs, detailed pay history, and more, anywhere, anytime.
- Quickly search, sort, and compare detailed pay history across EP-paid projects.
- View and download PDF paystubs to use for loan applications, proof of employment, and more.
- Export payment information for filing taxes or for your accountant.
ISO Certified
SOC 1 & 2 Certified
Regular third-party audits
All pay data is protected with military-grade security.
EP has the experience and resources to safeguard your crew and talent’s private pay information.
The security expertise and resources you need for end-to-end product and data protection.
- Military-level data protection
- Layered security to ensure product availability
- Top, global ISO-certification
Learn more about EP's industry-leading security infrastructure.