W-2 and 1099 Support
2024 W-2s and 1099s available now in myEP.
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General W-2 and 1099 Questions
Digital versions of W-2s and 1099s are typically available for download in myEP the second to last week of January. Printed versions are typically mailed out the last week of January.
If you signed up to go paperless, you will receive an email notification when your digital tax statement is ready.
Both W-2 and 1099 recipients can review the email account the notification will be sent to by going to myEP > My Account > Settings > Pay Preferences > W2 Delivery Preferences.
For those still receiving paper forms, expect them to arrive after they are mailed in the last week of January.
- Log in to my.ep.com.
- Go to the menu in the myEP Home header and select My Pay and then Annual Tax Statements.
- Once you're signed in to myEP, go to My Pay > Annual Tax Statements. Your available tax documents will be listed showing the Document Name, Tax Year, and Type.
- Select from the Actions column:
- Download to download a copy
- View to preview
- Print Document to print
The online, digital format of the W-2 or 1099 match the government-issued paper forms.
If you lived and worked in different states during the tax year, you will be issued a multi-state Form W-2.
This means you will receive a W-2 for your resident state and additional work state pages for each work state that differs from your resident state.
Additional work state pages are not considered to be a Form W-2 and should not be filed federally. Copy B for the federal return is intentionally left blank for this reason.
Based on EP's previous conversations with tax preparers, you musto take a credit in your resident state for the specific dollar amount earned and/or taxes withheld in the different work state. Consult with a tax professional for further clarification.
Note: If you worked in New York, but do not claim residency in the State of New York, please click here for more information on the New York Tax Law Section 672.
Corrected tax forms are manually generated and are not be available online. Newly corrected forms require approval from EP's Tax Support department. Once approved, the corrected form will be automatically mailed to your address on file.
You may request a duplicate copy of your corrected form by submitting a completed Crew & Talent Inquiries & Corrections Form to paymentsupport@ep.com.
EP requires all corrections to be submitted in writing with a wet signature. Complete the Crew & Talent Inquiries & Corrections Form and send it to paymentsupport@ep.com.
Examples of incorrect information:
- Incorrect work state
- Wage calculation discrepancy
Sign in to my.ep.com to review your payment history. Go to My Pay > Pay History. If you discover a discrepancy, submit a completed Crew & Talent Inquiries and Corrections form. Be sure to include a brief description of the correction needed.
Section 672 of the New York tax law requires that if at any time during the year, a non-resident employee performs services in New York State, the wages reported in Box 16 (state wages) must match the amount shown in Box 1 (wages, tips, other compensation), regardless of how much was earned in that state. If you are filing as a non-resident, remember to complete the IT203 and IT203-B forms to determine how much tax you owe.
EP will display the actual total amounts earned and total days worked in NY under the Earnings Summary Section of the Form W-2.
In most cases, this is not an error. This box will be marked if you were paid through a union production that made contributions to a union’s pension plan on your behalf. This may happen even if you are not a union member.
If you are unable to take credit on your tax return for your personal IRA because this box is marked, EP can provide a pension letter to clarify why the retirement plan box was marked. The letter will include the union’s name, address, and phone number of where the contributions were sent. You will need to obtain a second letter from that union to indicate your pension eligibility status for submission to the IRS.
To request a pension letter, submit a completed Crew & Talent Inquiries and Corrections form.
Complete the Crew & Talent Inquiries & Corrections Form and send your request to paymentsupport@ep.com.
Review your payment history on my.ep.com. Go to My Pay > Pay History. Once you identify the missing payment and it has been more than 15 to 30 business days from the current day, you can do one of the following:
Crew & Talent
If it has been more than 10 days since you last worked, contact your production company first to confirm a check has been released. The production company will contact EP to start the void and reissue process if needed. If the production company has wrapped, complete and submit a Crew & Talent Stop Pay/Reissue form.
Contact your union to confirm that a payment has been logged and released in the mail, and that the union has the most recent address on file. If the union confirms that the check was mailed but it wasn't received within ten business days of the mailing, complete and submit a Crew & Talent Stop Pay/Reissue form.
You must notify EP and the union of your family member’s death by providing copies of the following documentation:
- Death certificate
- Last Will and Testament; if an Estate, letters of testamentary or letters of administration
- Name, address, and Social Security number of beneficiary(s); if an Estate, name and address of Executor of the Estate and Federal Tax ID# for the Estate
Complete our Talent – Residual Set Up Change Request Form and submit along with the above documentation.
Talent representatives may request to receive tax information for their clients via email. However, all talent representatives must be listed on file as "c/o" before any tax information is released to them. To make a request for tax information, a completed Crew & Talent Inquiries & Corrections Form must be submitted with a copy of the Authorization to Release Information letter or power of attorney document signed by the client.
For security and privacy reasons, talent representatives are NOT authorized to sign into myEP on behalf of their clients.
1095-C Questions
Click here to view our 1095-C FAQ PDF.
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Crew & Talent Employment and Paycheck Support
United States
Payment Support
Changes to (Address, Name, SSN, W-4).
Earnings Requests (Reports/Check Stubs)
Tax Form Reprints (W-2/1099s/592b/G2FP)
Tax Form Explanation/Corrections & more.
Employment Verification Inquiries
Payment Support USPensions, Health & Welfare Inquiries
(e.g. Missing Hours, Union Dues, Union 401k)
Payroll Garnishment and Deduction Inquiries
Payment Support USMy EP Portal Technical Support
(Assistance with login/registration, connecting payroll profile, tax statement and paystub downloads, viewing pay information, direct deposit setup.)
Unclaimed Property Inquiries
Uncashed payroll checks 300+ days old, EP Unclaimed Property Notices, CA State Controller's Letters
Minors Trust Deductions and Inquiries
(e.g. Set-ups, Coogan Accounts Deposits)
Benefit Solutions
Sick Leave, 1095-C Tax Forms, NY Paid Family Leave
Sick Leave: sickleave@ep.com
1095-C Tax Forms: 1095inquiry@ep.com
NY Paid Family Leave: NYPFL@ep.com
Canada – PWE Queries
Business Hours
Mon-Fri 5:30am to 5:00pm PT
604.998.3208 (Vancouver)
416.927.2218 (Toronto)
866-330-0023 (Toll Free)
Canada – EP Residency and Technical Support
Business Hours
Mon-Fri 5:30am to 5:00pm PT
604.998.3208 (Vancouver)
416.927.2218 (Toronto)
866-330-0023 (Toll Free)